Dear Trinidad and Tobago, regular columnist
Darryn Boodan has the week off on account of being too scared to drive into
Port-of-Spain. I am Minister Stuart Young. All my friends just call me Stewie,
after the evil genius toddler from the TV show family guy. But have no fear,
unlike that Stewie, I’m not a genius.
Being a Minister in the Ministry of
the Attorney General and Legal Affairs and a Minister in the Office of the
Prime Minister comes with a lot of responsibilities. Such as crafting legal
legislation, communicating government policy, and most importantly spying on
the Attorney General for the Prime Minister. But you may not know that I am
also a fully licensed make-up artist. As you know, Trinbagonian politics is all
about skin tone, which is why knowing how to apply make-up is essential. I’d
like to share my top five tips for tricking people into thinking that your government
is prettier than it is: