This week I had to console my nephew Garret who did not pass for a prestige school after writing the SEA exam. “Uncle Darryn, does God hate me?”, he asked, on the verge of tears. “Oh Garret, God doesn’t hate you, you’re just duncey, that’s all,” I said. I then tried to get him excited about all the new and wonderful experiences that awaited him at his new mediocre Government secondary school. Like dealing with his first bullies, his first rejection by a girl and making his first viral video of a classroom fight. But nothing I said seemed to cheer him up.
Last year Government
Secondary schools accounted for just 5 % of scholarships and 100 % of news
stories about students 'calling hits' on teachers. So I understand why my
nephew is upset. Government secondary schools are like the licensing office.
People only go there if they can’t bribe their way out of it. Education
Minister Anthony Garcia has promised to investigate why both Government run
Primary and Secondary schools are failing compared to denominational run
schools. After all, there must be a common link between the Government run
Education Ministry, and failing Government run Primary and Secondary schools.
But so far it’s a puzzle no Government ministry official seems to be able to
solve. Possibly due to their Government education.
Despite my nephew’s pessimism about his future, I actually
think he will be successful in life. That’s because he has a few things going
for him that so called “bright” children may not have. Firstly, his parents
have always praised his accomplishments as a product of hard work rather than
an innate ability of him being “bright”. According to Columbia University researchers
Carol Dweck and Claudia Mueller, children who are routinely praised on their
“smartness” struggle when confronted with difficult challenges. That’s because
they unconsciously learn to wrongly view “smartness” as an innate ability they
possess and which they can summon at any time needed.
Reviewing Dweck’s and Mueller’s research for the Harvard
Review, Hedi Grant Halvorson, writes “Smart praised kids were much quicker to
doubt their ability, to lose confidence, and to become less effective performers”
when faced with challenging problem solving tests. "Effort" praised
kids on the other hand unconsciously learn to view problem solving as a product
of hard work and application rather than an innate ability. Consequently
“effort praised” kids outperformed the “smart praised” kids on Dweck’s and
Mueller’s tests. This might explain the problem solving performance of our
politicians who all at one time were "bright" students attending
prestige schools.
Human intelligence is far more malleable than people think it
is. According to the American Psychological Association, studies on children
who were simply encouraged to think of intelligence as being changeable rather
than fixed saw marked improvements in their grades. Which means it is possible
to help improve the academic performance of children, by simply NOT telling
them they are complete failures for not passing for a prestige school.
My nephew already understands that his SEA result does not
describe some finite amount of ability he has, that his school, however lame it
may be, doesn’t have to affect his ability to develop his talents. And that he
doesn’t need to resign himself from now to a career as the doorman at Dad’s
The second thing my nephew knows is that being
"bright" is vastly overrated, in fact being bright in Trinidad and
Tobago is positively useless. Of all the key qualities of highly successful
people identified by researchers, being bright ranks nowhere near such
important attributes as: grit, focus, the ability to delay gratification and
confidence. In fact, being bright might actually be a hindrance in life as
research also shows bright people routinely make stupid decisions.
According to psychologists Richard West and Keith Stanovich,
brighter people are more vulnerable to faulty thinking because they are unaware
of their own blind spots. West and Stanovich performed tests on people and
compared the accuracy of their answers to their levels of intelligence. They
found that bright people were more likely to have more wrong answers and make
more mental mistakes when problem solving; saying “a larger bias blind spot was
associated with higher cognitive ability”.
This might actually explain the poor performance of
government schools; they are being run by too many bright people.
Good food for thought.
Wasn't that a calypso though?
Never thought about it from this perspective. Come to think of it. Hmm
Well researched and written.
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